
  • Local

    We are dedicated to taking the love of Jesus to our Murray, Calloway County, and Kentucky. Our partnerships and efforts include:

    Purchase Area Baptist Association

    Kentucky Baptist Convention

    Baptist Campus Ministry at Murray State University

    Lifehouse Pregnancy Care Center

    Soup for the Soul

    Backpack Project

    Eliza Broadus State Missions Offering

    Sunrise Children's Services

    Hope Calloway

    Elm Grove Hands and Feet Ministry

    Elm Grove Clothing Drive

    Sleep in Heavenly Peace

  • Regional

    Our reach extends beyond our local area, throughout North America. Our partnerships and efforts include:

    North American Mission Board

    Southern Baptist Convention


    Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

  • Global

    Called by Jesus to make disciples of all nations, we support and participate in these globally-focused efforts:

    International Mission Board

    Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

    El Salvador mission trip through the Purchase Area Baptist Association